Saturday 18 July 2020

Friday Ogden Walk

 Actually managed to get out & about the last
 couple of days, Friday Took a walk around Ogden
 and ended up being a half decent day after a good
 old slog around the moors and nearly breaking my
 neck climbing over a gate, oh the joys.

 First creature I seen was what I believe to be a
 Southern Migrant Hawker Dragonfly, was pleased
 with that as Ive never seen one that colour before a
 lovely bright yellow, I was watching a Swift and the
 Swallows darting about when out of the corner of my
 eye a Kestrel with its prey came flying past but too
 quick to get my camera ready, a few LBB gulls were
 flying about, a walk up towards the windmills produced
 6 Stonechat and 8 Meadow Pipit, down to the stream I
 went and seen a couple of birds fly into the bushes,
 couldn't quite make out what they were but looked
 interesting further down going towards the lake was a
 Dipper about 6 Wrens and 3 Robins.

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